Saturday 19 July 2014

Cloud Business Model

cloud computing provides more added valus for organization such as saving cost in operations and resource management and as well as extending the geographical location such service modules will bring a new business opportunity to achieving long term sustainability is the important factor of success of organization.

Computing arbitage

This a business model around broadband bandwith arbitarage where many company buy bandwidth for whole sale rate and resells it to the company to meet their specific needs.They further use heavy compression on their device to optimize the bandwidth.

Gaming as service

This model give through online for games so that the customer can get it for rent and can play on device with a varying factors in a huge business oppurtinity.they will have all featured service such as frequent updates ,developer eco system and pay per use system etc.
App driven and content driven cloud

This depends on application specific need to compute the nature and volume of data that is being computed and the kind of the content that is delivered.

This is what you can see how the facebook ,google and amazon are using these cloud business model in their business.

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