Thursday 12 March 2015

Why to Market your website ? First thing in digital marketing

Initial Plan for  Digital Marketing

The initial thing to do with digital marketing is just create a website officially and make to gain traffic to your website. There are many internet marketing tactics which we will see one by one in further post at initial i was learning about the social media marketing to gain more audience to our website.

why i go for social media recently i was readin a article where there was a good marketing idea behind the article where facebook has 19% of population but i dont know about twitter and linkedin.
so u can make you daily activity well planned and stay connect with you facebook fans and share ou update and daily activity with them will make more brand making of you product with audience.but always keep one thing is mind think people as people not as you customer always i have seen may social website where i can see only promotional video and promotional pic  so dont be like that make people to communicate with people not with brand.

my best advice is be patient and dont spend money for your growth in socail media try to grow organically which is always safe and marketer has more golden opportunity to expand their customers and their fans in social media and gain traffic and they can also easily target the categories like male,female and age location such other factors also make easy to target customer and know the intrest of peoples in online based on their behaviour activity.

Understand Audience Of Major Social Media Platform

As i told above understanding audience in social media is very important factor to marketers for example marketers can target or find the interest patterns of people of age categories,in particular demography etc. always make a better idea to connect with the audience.many research tells  that now days the frequency of usage of social media has been increased for example on daily basics on going through a article i was seeing that 63% of people in world uses facebook on daily basics and also there is a concept called social matrix which tells that people who are in facebook linkedin twitter has only available in one in some people who are available in all three so making this data united they make a social media matrix.

these are the advantage of social media on digital marketing this is just a basic about why we should concentrate in this area so we will see about creating a marketing campaigns in social media

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